A free-form podcast about transformation, growth, and purpose; elevating and expanding the super-conscious mind while honoring the down-to-earth wisdom that keeps us grounded and real.
"Nothing you do matters, unless what you do matters." Amadon DellErba is on a journey of self-mastery. Join him in the exploration of the spiritual, psychological, intellectual, and emotional elements that make up the mortal life.
Equal parts profound and profane; sacred and secular, "Get Real or Die Trying" is a reality check for a world becoming increasingly more unreal.
You can view Amadon's website at https://amadondellerba.com.Eddie Pinero is an entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, and the founder of Your World Within, a global motivational platform that inspires millions through unique storytelling and empowering content. With a community of nearly 2 million social media followers and over 130 million views across his platforms, ...
View MoreDJ DREZ is a multifaceted artist known for his roles as a peaceful visionary, sound ambassador, and skilled turntablist. His music transcends traditional boundaries, blending elements of hip-hop, world music, soul, funk, jazz, and reggae into what he describes as his "trademark sound and production....
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Rima Zanoun, an entrepreneur, coach, and mentor based in Dubai, UAE. Rima and Amadon talk about life, love, the Divine Masculine & Feminine. A beautiful meeting of the minds....
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Droop Lion, one of the leading voices of a new reggae-soul movement. Known for his breakout hit, ‘Freeway’, Droop Lion revolutionized reggae music with his soul-searing voice, inspirational songs, and awe-inspiring live performances. ...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Lutan Fyah, a revolutionary spirit delivering a message of love, peace, justice, unity and community through hard hitting reggae dancehall rhythms and lyrics, on stages all over the world. Born and raised in Spanish Town in Kingston, Jamaica Lutan's...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Dr. Wendsler Nosie, former Chairman and Councilman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and founding member of Apache Stronghold (http://www.apache-stronghold.com/) Apache Stronghold recently embarked on a cross continent prayer journey beginning in the Lummi Na...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Jeff Hays, an award winning filmmaker, author, and television producer. Hays gives a behind the scenes look at his recently completed film "The Real RFK Jr." https://therealrfkjrmovie.com/ They also discuss spirituality, society, c...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Shelly Tygielski, founder of the nonprofit Pandemic of Love and author of the book, “Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World.” Tygielski is an activist, teacher, and global good samaritan. Together they discuss self-care...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Stefanos Sifandos, a conscious relationship coach and "relational alchemist." Together they discuss human potential and personal growth through resilience, awareness, expansion. (GR\DT: 37) Stefanos encourages people to ...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles.” Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. St...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Jerold Limongelli, founder of MVN Movement, a transformational program for men. Together they discuss masculinity, the pursuit to Self-Mastery, and Jerold's transformation from successful entrepreneur to motivator and spiritual gangster. Jerol...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews bestselling author & filmmaker Jeffrey Smith about The Magnificent New Normal, a virtual lecture series that shares practical strategies to protect and improve the physical, mental, and spiritual health of our planet. (htt...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about the virtue of selflessness over “self-love” and the dangers of #selflove becoming selfishness. In the world of social media today there is tremendous emphasis on self-love and little-to-none on selfless service to our brothers and sisters. ...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about the virtue of meekness. Meekness is not weakness, but it is often misunderstood. Meekness is a way of relating to others. It is a controlled strength. It shouldn’t be relegated to the past as a lost, archaic virtue, but should be upheld as...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about today’s Cancel Culture / Call-Out Culture and how we can build a more Accountable Culture. In addition to his own thoughts on the subject, Amadon cites Ligaya Mishan’s New York Times article: “The Long and Tortured History of Cancel Cult...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about Spiritual Maturity, Self-Mastery, & God Consciousness. The pursuit of spiritual maturity and self-mastery is the path to God consciousness - it’s a life of selfless service, a focus on the inner rather than outer life, a dedicati...
View MoreIn this podcast Amadon DellErba talks about the idiom “Ignorance is Bliss” and people’s inclination to avoid responsibility. (GR\DT 29)...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses flexibility without compromise and the art of spiritual adaptability. Regardless of our various religious, political, and/or social backgrounds, we have the opportunity to let consciousness unite us. It is a form of spiritual intelligence that unites ...
View MoreIn this podcast Amadon DellErba discusses anarchy vs. spiritual hierarchy. In response to the corruption we see in politics and governments today many youth embrace anarchy, but does it work? Recognizing the need for change, in 2011 and 2012 Amadon and the Global Change Media team attend...
View MoreIn this podcast Amadon DellErba reflects on patience and perseverance by commenting on a video he shot five years ago on self righteousness vs. righteousness. We humans can so easily adopt a holier-than-thou attitude. The “reformed smoker” syndrome is real and we can probably all r...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses unity without uniformity, a concept from The URANTIA Book. In our world today that is so divided in so many ways, the attainment of unity can feel like an impossible goal; but it isn’t. What inhibits and what fosters unity among people? An encou...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba explores the art of listening as a spiritual practice and the difference between listening vs. hearing. Amadon introduces the concept of triune listening; listening with the heart, mind, and soul. Truly listening to others with a desire to understand and empathize wi...
View MoreIn this podcast Amadon DellErba interviews Masud Olufani, a multidisciplinary artist, activist, & writer, based in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a follower of the Bahá'í faith; the host of “America's Most Challenging Issue,” a podcast about racism in America; and the co...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses Ascension Science, the fusion of spirituality and science, and how this way of identifying truth can assist our spiritual growth process. He speaks about the parallels of the practical application of scientific approach to discovery of knowledge to spiritua...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Sam Childers, the real Machine Gun Preacher. Childers is a full-time missionary and faith minister who remains loyal to God’s calling for him; to rescue children from the war-torn conditions of southern Sudan, Africa. He reached popular notoriety i...
View MoreIn this podcast Amadon DellErba reads “Ode To My Mother” a poem he wrote for Niánn Emerson Chase. He pays tribute to this “Cosmic Woman of Grace” who many consider to be a modern-day living saint. Niánn Emerson Chase is a direct descendant of tran...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about the spiritual life lessons from boxing, UFC, MMA, and other combat sports. In the ring of life, we can learn a lot from the champions of discipline and self-mastery. Professional athletes display a level of fortitude and commitment to their goals that we ...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses self-awareness and the importance of growing out of self-importance. In the pursuit of self-mastery we have to go through the painful process of ego death; becoming more aware of our true self and less invested in our false identity. Self-importance,...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon Dellerba discusses the Duality of Man - Human Nature vs. Spiritual Nature. Through recent self-work, he shares some prose that he wrote about his own personal shortcomings and his goals for overcoming his lower nature in the pursuit of his true nature. Part of getting real is...
View MoreOn this podcast, an interview with Amadon DellErba & Fitzgerald Pucci, host of the Deconstruct podcast. Together, they discuss a wide range of topics including masculinity, the role of balanced men in our society; alter egos, the facades and personas that we carry masking our true selves; and pu...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about being a protector and the role of a man as a father and spiritual warrior to his family and loved-ones. He delves into the difference between being a provider versus being a protector and looks at the historic role of father/protector/warrior vs. the mode...
View MoreIn this podcast Amadon DellErba discusses confrontation vs. carefrontation and effective methods of conflict resolution and deep, meaningful communication. To be a righteous man or woman, we must have the courage and vulnerability to confront others, and be grateful when we receive correction. "Rig...
View MoreIn this podcast, Amadon DellErba looks at celebrity worship; the false idols that are looked up to in American 'culture.' He also looks at what constitutes a true hero, a selfless servant. Western society is addicted to social media like Twitter and TikTok. We idolize rock stars, movie stars,...
View MoreAmadon Dellerba gets real about hypocrisy - having a pretense of being something we are not. He discusses personal hypocrisy in relation to systemic hypocrisy that is often found and recognized in religious organizations. There is a difference between our inner ideals, our silent process of interna...
View MoreAmadon DellErba interviews Peter Bigfoot, a survivalist, naturalist, herbalist, and legendary mountain man who lives deep in the Superstition Mountains east of Phoenix, Arizona. Peter is founder and director of Reevis Mountain School of Self-Reliance where he passes on his vast body of knowledge to ...
View MoreIn episode 10, Amadon DellErba discusses white privilege and systemic racism in America. He recalls his own experiences protesting injustice, police brutality, and the militarization of the police in various cities across the country. Amadon speaks from the heart “at the risk of being misunder...
View MoreAmadon DellErba interviews Brigitte Mars - herbalist, author of 14 books, professor, & natural chef with close to 50 years of experience in her field – to explore health in these times of global pandemic & the body/mind/soul connection to our wellbeing. Brigitte teaches Herbal Medicine...
View MoreIn Episode 8 Amadon DellErba delves deeper into what it means to “get real” in his exploration of what it means to “drop the facade”. What masks do we wear, consciously or unconsciously, to appear how we think we should be? Or how we think others want us to be? O...
View MoreIn episode 7, Amadon DellErba talks about the fight or flight response that arises for us when we are met with certain situations in life. Ultimately, we should neither fight or flee. We need to shift our attitudes from reactions to responses; reactions being more emotional. He talks about being an ...
View MoreAmadon DellErba discusses knowing your limitations and boundaries. He recalls past times when he was forced to accept his own limitations through pain and suffering. Ambitious souls often push the boundaries ahead of appropriate timing. Amadon sees boundaries and limitations as weaknesses...
View MoreAmadon DellErba discusses “The Pursuit to Balanced Masculinity.” Part two of a two-part podcast. Part I was released as Episode 4. In this episode, Amadon discusses men's lack of willingness to be disliked, high standards, and failure. Balanced masculinity is a practice of self...
View MoreAmadon DellErba discusses “The Pursuit to Balanced Masculinity.” Part one of a two-part podcast. Part II will be released as Episode 5. In this episode, Amadon poses questions many men ask themselves about identity and masculinity. “What is it to be manly?” Balanced masculini...
View MoreAmadon DellErba discusses the fact that fear prevents us from becoming who we are meant to be and limits us in our growth towards self-discovery. Fear and courage are linked to accountability and responsibility. Amadon considers fear to be a ‘mind killer.’ The Master considered fear...
View MoreAmadon DellErba discusses the lower human traits of envy and jealousy and how they can be blind spots in our growth. Using multiple sources, he examines what great minds of the past have said about the vice of envy. He also explores the virtues of honor and recognition, and the value of having...
View MoreAmadon DellErba shares his inspiration for starting the podcast, what to expect, and what not to expect in the episodes to come. He states his case for what he has to offer as a spiritual warrior poet, expressing his opinions, insights, and perspectives on living the optimum life. The pursuit o...
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